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Renewing leases on memorials

All of our memorials in our Gardens of Remembrance can be renewed once their current lease is due to expire.

We’ll send a reminder letter to all applicants, 1 month before expiry.

We have two types of memorial leases:

  • communal
  • individual

Communal leases

  • Shrubbery plaque
  • Leather plaque
  • Mushroom plaque
  • Barbican plaque
  • Birdbath or Sundial plaque
  • Communal bench plaque

Individual leases

  • Stone plaque
  • Vault (sanctum or Monarch)
  • Individual bench

Pay for your renewal

You can renew a lease securely through our online form. Alternatively you can pay by BACS or by contacting our team.

You’ll need:

  • your Agreement number
  • the name of the deceased that the memorial is dedicated to

If you do not have this information please contact our team via email at or Tel 01494 742 263.

Pay online

Complete our online form for the type and length of your lease:

Please be aware, our terms and conditions change and by renewing your lease you agree to these terms and conditions.

Dark stone memorial plaques arranged consecutively in a row, with white or gold text. Some with flowers, plants or a memorial item.
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