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Non-religious services

The funeral service is a choice and one that can mean something different to each person.  

Types of services

We offer:

  • full or extended service
  • short service or committal
  • chapel time with no service
  • cremation only (no attendees)

Full or extended service

If you’d like a non-religious ceremony, you can choose for it to be conducted by:

  • yourself
  • friends or family members
  • an official celebrant

Find out more about personalising your funeral.

Ivory wax candle placed inside a glass candle holder, on a cork base, inside Bierton chapel.

Short committal

You can request a short service or committal, which is the point at which the coffin is removed from view at the end of the service.  A few words read or music played can be included. 

Chapel time with no service

The chapel can be used to sit and reflect. If you wish you can listen to some music that represents the life of your loved one and memories shared.

Cremation only

If you wish, you can opt for no service and choose to have a cremation only. The cremation takes place at a select time with no attendees or chapel service.

The coffin enters through our chapel where a moment of respect is observed. The cremation will then take place within an allocated time.

Wooden bughouse outside, surrounded by trees. It is in shape of a vertical rectangle, with a metal triangle roof on top.

Our promise

The same care is given to all our cremations regardless of what service they have had.  

We pride ourselves on providing a respectful and tailored experience with sensitivity and empathy by professional and caring staff. 

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